Functions of the Gua Musang District Council

  • The District Council can be regarded as the Local Government, the third layer of administration after the Federal and State Governments. It is responsible for all aspects of development at the district level, ranging from the local economy to socio-political issues. The District Council is also responsible to deliver basic services of the Local Government, namely public health, basic social development facilities, as well as recreational amenities within its jurisdiction.
  • In general, the District Council is responsible to raise the quality of living for the local community from a socio-economic aspect, as well as formulate planning for structured development ahead.
  • Apart from that, the District Council's tasks and functions include the following :-
    • Sanitation and recreation

    • Maintain street lights

    • Manage the utilization of land and infrastructure, as well as planning development within the jurisdiction   of the District Council
    • To build and maintain the drainage system and back alleys

    • Naming of public roads and residential parks

    • Formulate and enforce construction guidelines for buildings and in public areas

    • Manage traffic flow within the District Council's jurisdiction

    • Processing and issuance of business, night market and hawker licenses, as well as advertising billboards

    • Provide a list of asset assessment values, and asset rates within the District Council's jurisdiction

    • Construct and maintain public amenities including markets, traders stalls etc.